The 2013 NW Fly Tyer and Fly Fishing Expo is fast approaching. It will be March 8th and 9th this year at the Albany, Oregon fairgrounds. This is a great location that has a lot of space for all of the events. This year we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Expo. I first attended the Expo in 1996 during Spring Break and I was just awed with the talent and variety of tyers. In 2002, 2003, and 2004 I co-chaired the event with Al Brunell when the event was in Eugene. I currently volunteer to manage the website.
This is the highlight of the Expo for me. This year there will be over 200 tyers demonstrating different techniques from dry flies, nymphs, classic salmon flies, steelhead, and realistic flies. I will be demonstrating the kumihimo braiding technique on Saturday morning. See the NW Expo website for the full schedule of tyers. If you are the Expo on Saturday morning please stop by and say hi at table 12.
The expo features a full slate of fly tying, casting, and fly fishing classes. See the breakdown by day:
Benefit Auction – March 9th
Every year there is a banquet and benefit auction that helps fund the conservation and education project of the Oregon Council of Federation of Fly Fishers. Below are just a couple of the special auction items. For a full list see the NW Expo Auction page. Below is the annual Spey Plate, see the page for the history and contributors. Jackson Leong ties beautiful realistic flies. This year he is donating a Blue Morpho butterfly that he spent many hours designing and tying. Loren Black donated a dome that displays the Hexagenia Life Cycle.

Bamboo Rod Raffle
Have you always dreamed of owning a fine handcrafted bamboo fly fishing rod with a Hardy Reel? To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the NW Fly Fishing Expo a commemorative bamboo rod has been built. At the Expo 150 raffle tickets will be sold at $20.00 each.
This rod was built collectively by Skip Hosfield, Jeff Smith, and Dave Dozer, all long time and active supporters of the NW Fly Fishing Expo. All hardware and components for this rod were donated by Chet Croco, owner of Bellingers. A new Hardy Bougle’ 5 wt reel is included in this great package. Also included is a 5 wt weight forward, floating Joan Wulff Signature Series Fly Line, donated by Garry Sandstrom, regional sales representative for Wulff Fly Lines.