Royce Stearns tying a Grizzly King.
Jeff Dickey demonstrating Atlantic Salmon Flies.
Cathy demonstrating woven body flies.
Linda Hotchkiss display of woven flies.
John Kreft preparing to demonstrate trout flies.
Norm demonstrating tube flies on a Nor-Vise.
Kat Rollin selection of flies.
Kat Rollin's fly in progress.
Mike Marlatt inspecting the tail placement for a golden demon.
Casting demonstration.
River City Fly shop booth.
Rockwell Hammond Jr fly in progress.
Hunter Bachand working on a fly.
Greg demonstrating a weaving technique.
Sean Dahlquist working on a general practitioner.
Finished general practitioner by Sean Dahlquist.
Andrew Marshall demonstrating tying in hand.
Chris demonstrating spring creek flies.
Fly box from Chris Williams.
Chuck Scott demonstrating a steelehead fly.
David Roberts getting ready to tie.
Flies from Dave Millard.
Fly display by Ted Burlingame.
Fly Display
John Shewey demonstrating a steelhead fly.
Frank Moore demonstrating fly casting.
Steven Fernandez demonstrating to a group.
Delfur Fancy donation tied by members of the Northwest Atlantic Salmon Fly Guild.
Edward (Ted) Berkeley demonstrating a salmon fly.
Byron Bjerke demonstrating a salmon fly.
Edward (Ted) Berkeley fly.
Hal Gordon demonstrating straw flies.
Jackson Leong honoring Spock.
Shawn West deer hair fly.
Garrett Lesko demonstrating deer hair flies.
Garrett Lesko's finished fly.
John Olschewsky finished fly.
Todd Collins demonstrating woven hackle flies.
Selection of flies from Paul Rossman.
Hook collection from Paul Rossman.
Frank and Jeanne Moore.